So how about an update! I am alittle behind, but what do you espect, I have alot of kids and responsibilities these days!
So last Tuesday Rodney has knee surgery to fix his ACL that was damamged back in June, so he is off of work until February. Everything went well with that and he is getting along pretty good at home. He is not driving me nuts totally yet, but I feel for the boys who are stuck with him over Christmas break, they will be ready to go back to school early! LOL
This past weekend my tribe and my brothers tribe went to my dads to help cut down and decorate a tree for him. We took 5 of the 6 kids to Hampton Hills and picked out a tree for grandpa, it was a perfect day for it! We then brought it back to grandpas and they kids got to decorate it while us adults knocked back a few! It was such a fun day, I just love spending time with my family and I know the kids love playing with each other, it was a great day!
Here are the little darlings!

The boys are both doing good, Bailey is having fun being in wrestling and Brady just isn't so sure anymore about it. I took them lastnight and Brady was getting thrown around pretty good by an older kid and he told me he didnt want to wrestle anymore, I am not going to push him playing, but encourage him to stick with it. We will see how he feels after the holidays, he might change his mind. Brady is getting over being sick last week too, he had strep throat and was out of comission for a few days, I just pray no one else catches it, he seems to be doing better this week.
Owen is just Owen, he is so perfect it is scary! He is just the happiest little guy ever and so strong. He loves to stand and be pulled up and screams in excitement all the time, he smiles all the time, it just makes my heart melt! Makes me so sad that he is getting so big, I just cleaned out his closet and put away the clothes and jammies that are too small for him already, there was alot!! Looks like Santa is going to have to do alittle shopping for Owen! Anyway, here is my little peanut just being cute! He loves to suck on his fists, usually all 4 fingers at one time!

And then theres me........ boring ole me! I work, tend to kids, give baths, I am the taxi driver, cook, maid, nurse, handywoman... that basically is my life in a nut shell and then some! But am loving every minute of it, I honestly think I would be bored if my life wasnt go,go,go. I am trying to get our shopping done for the holidays, I am usually done by now, but been alittle busy, I am hoping to finish it up on Saturday - I hate waiting until the last minute!! UGGHHH Especially since we have our first Christmas this Sunday already!
So there you are, an update on the Braatz family!