Seriously the weeks are just flying by, I hope summer doesn't go by that fast, if summer ever decides to arrive.
So I had my doctors appointment lastnight, everything looks good. She said the reason for the 3rd U/S is too just double check the babies head and part of the brain, she ensured me that nothing is wrong, the doctor who checked the U/S pictures just wanted a clearer look on beans head, he wasn't really cooperating when I went for the last U/S, I even remember her telling me that! I am not too concerned and she told me not to be either, it gives us a chance to have another look and make sure there is a weinie there! LOL
I am not telling how much weight I have gained, lets just say it is alot, but in all honestly it doesn't really matter, I have a bean growing and all that matters is he is healthy! Heartbeat was very strong at 156 bpm, measuring one week ahead of schedule and that was basically my appointment, nothing too exciting. They are going to call me about the U/S, they didn't have any appointments in Eagan, but hopefully can get me in at Apple Valley.
So I have a funny about the boys. My mom was over one day and Bailey overhead her saying that maybe it was the umbilical cord and not the beans little wiener. So Bailey is not convinced yet that this is a boy, also brainwashing Brady, every time Brady kisses my belly which is alot, he says "I love you girl baby"!! I guess they will just have to wait and see in September when the bean makes his apperance!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Why do doctors do that?
So there is a message on our phone Wednesday when I get home from work from the clinic. I call back and had to leave a message. They finally call me back about 30 minutes later. I think it was my doctors nurse or a nurse, I guess I really didn't pay attention. But she said that all the lab results were good from my last appointment, which is great they took enough blood, and that my doctor would talk to me about the U/S at my appointment on Tuesday. She also said that she was wanting to schedule another U/S appt. within 4 weeks..... ok that kind of freaked me out. The nurse didn't tell me awhole lot, so here I am left hanging wondering if something is wrong with him, me or whatever! I guess we will find out on Tuesday when I have my regular appointment with my doctor.
Of course that really freaks Rodney out, he has been saying since day 1 that "I hope there is nothing wrong with this one" which gets me thinking and now this..... I am trying not to get my undies in a bunch about it, if I remember right we had a few U/S with one or both of the boys and they are ok. I guess I dont think about my age, not that I am old or anything, but I am not 25 anymore!
To update on the boys, I think they are over the initial shock of the bean being a boy, they haven't cried since then!! LOL They are now giving us names..... I think Bailey came up with Scooter... LOL I had a dog named Scooter once! They both kind of like Alex- Brady came up with that one, or I shot out Brandon and Mathew. Who knows, Rodney said this is up to me to name him since he named Bailey and Brady, although I did get to pick out Brady's middle name! Good thing we have plenty of time yet!
Brady is really in love with him though, he has to hug and kiss my belly all the time and say "I love you baby" and of course I have to replay "The baby loves you too Brady"! Every morning, after he gets up when I drop him off at daycare and every night before bed this is our routine!
Of course that really freaks Rodney out, he has been saying since day 1 that "I hope there is nothing wrong with this one" which gets me thinking and now this..... I am trying not to get my undies in a bunch about it, if I remember right we had a few U/S with one or both of the boys and they are ok. I guess I dont think about my age, not that I am old or anything, but I am not 25 anymore!
To update on the boys, I think they are over the initial shock of the bean being a boy, they haven't cried since then!! LOL They are now giving us names..... I think Bailey came up with Scooter... LOL I had a dog named Scooter once! They both kind of like Alex- Brady came up with that one, or I shot out Brandon and Mathew. Who knows, Rodney said this is up to me to name him since he named Bailey and Brady, although I did get to pick out Brady's middle name! Good thing we have plenty of time yet!
Brady is really in love with him though, he has to hug and kiss my belly all the time and say "I love you baby" and of course I have to replay "The baby loves you too Brady"! Every morning, after he gets up when I drop him off at daycare and every night before bed this is our routine!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Braatz family is proud to welcome......
So I had to make a decision yesterday at my appointment, and I tell you I was alittle stressed out about it, but glad we did! Rodney was going to meet me there, but had to work late, so I got the results put in an envelope and we decided that we would have Bailey open it up and read it to us, maybe not such a good idea for Bailey, it was fine for us! Anyways the boys got their jammies on and we decided to open it, Rodney and I were really nervous, not sure why, but we were! Bailey opened up the envelope, looked at the picture and then looked in the card and it said "It's a boy"! Once he read it outloud, Brady started crying, then the tears came from Bailey. Keep in mind these were not happy tears, they were both upset because it was not a girl and they were both mad at Rodney and I for having a boy!! That took some explaining, but I think they are fine with it, it was a shock to all of us, they will love their little brother I know they will, even though they say they won't!! LOL I told them that now we need to come up with names, so that got their minds off of that for awhile!
Rodney and I are thrilled that this baby is healthy and going to be a boy, another hunting, fishing partner for Rodney, which means a free day to myself!! LOL
Anyway the tech said that everything looked good to her, of course the doctors will review everything and they will let me know if something is out of the ordinary. Heartbeat was at 152, he is about 11 oz already and from the measurements, my due date is pretty accurate, it was within' 1 day. He was being shy and covering up his face with his arm so the profile pictures aren't that good, I just hope this one looks like me!! LOL
So here we are 20 weeks, half way there, I do have to say that it went by really fast! But so do the days, which is scary! Knock on wood, I have been feeling pretty good lately, besides the aches and pains, my back has been really bothering me, but such is life, my belly feels really heavy too, weird for being this early in the pregnancy, but I suppose this little guy is growing! I have most of my energy back, that is kind of nice especially since it is getting nice out, I love being outside and going for walks with the boys, I just hope it continues! I do have to say though that it is weird knowing what is growing inside of me and to actually call the bean a "him" and not "it", very wierd to me, but something different we decided to do with this one! I am glad that we did, now bring on the garage sales!! LOL
Before opening the envelope

Bean #3, not knowing what it was

This is the picture that was inside the envelope, it is kind of hard to see, but pretty sure there is alittle wiener in there!!

The results!

The boys crying after reading the results! Poor kids!

Rodney and I are thrilled that this baby is healthy and going to be a boy, another hunting, fishing partner for Rodney, which means a free day to myself!! LOL
Anyway the tech said that everything looked good to her, of course the doctors will review everything and they will let me know if something is out of the ordinary. Heartbeat was at 152, he is about 11 oz already and from the measurements, my due date is pretty accurate, it was within' 1 day. He was being shy and covering up his face with his arm so the profile pictures aren't that good, I just hope this one looks like me!! LOL
So here we are 20 weeks, half way there, I do have to say that it went by really fast! But so do the days, which is scary! Knock on wood, I have been feeling pretty good lately, besides the aches and pains, my back has been really bothering me, but such is life, my belly feels really heavy too, weird for being this early in the pregnancy, but I suppose this little guy is growing! I have most of my energy back, that is kind of nice especially since it is getting nice out, I love being outside and going for walks with the boys, I just hope it continues! I do have to say though that it is weird knowing what is growing inside of me and to actually call the bean a "him" and not "it", very wierd to me, but something different we decided to do with this one! I am glad that we did, now bring on the garage sales!! LOL
Before opening the envelope
Bean #3, not knowing what it was
This is the picture that was inside the envelope, it is kind of hard to see, but pretty sure there is alittle wiener in there!!
The results!
The boys crying after reading the results! Poor kids!
Week of the young child week at daycare
So here are the remaining pictures of Week of the young child week at Brady's daycare. I post the other ones of his wacky hair/hat earlier. Brady had a fun week!
This was the gift that Rodney and I got from Brady for taking him to that daycare! Pretty special if you ask me! Kids are good for something! LOL

This was the gift that Rodney and I got from Brady for taking him to that daycare! Pretty special if you ask me! Kids are good for something! LOL
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Off to the Ultrasound
Every felt so confused in your life..... over an ultrasound?? LOL Rodney and I still haven't decided if we will find out yet, not even sure if he will make it to the ultrasound, if he doesn't then I am faced to make this decision on my own!!! I leave in less than an hour, what do we do? This is so dumb, it would be nice to know and to do something different since we didn't find out with the boys, but then again it is such a rush when the time does come and you deliver and they tell what it is! We don't have a room to get ready right away so that isn't an issue, but then again think of all the garage sales this summer.... pink or blue......... oh man this is killing me!!! Who knew a person could be so stressed out over finding out the sex of their unborn child!!!!
Wish me luck and until later..........
Wish me luck and until later..........
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Week 19
I made it to week 19, only ALOT more to go!!! Uggggghhhh! I do have to say that I am starting to feel alittle better, I feel worse at night though, and once I get home it is like my body completely shuts down, I am exhuasted and the couch is my best friend!! I did get to go for a walk during my lunch hour today, which is proably the most exercise I have gotten in a long time, it felt good even though I almost blew over a few times because of the wind! Hopefully the warmer weather sticks around, I am tired of the cold and most of the maternity clothes I have are shortsleeves and summer wear, so I am running out of clothes too.
We got the results from the blood work I had done at my last appt, all is good I guess. Kind of a relief, I remember having that test done with Bailey it came back abnormal and we had to have further tests done, that was scary! So this is a relief, I just pray this kid is healthy, and not as wild as the boys are LOL
Rodney would kill me if he found out I wrote about him, but he went in last Friday to have the big "V" done! He was very brave and made it out alive and is doing good! Now to go back in 3 months to make sure it worked....................fingers crossed!
So until next week... the big ultrasound day..... TUESDAY April 22nd!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
We got the results from the blood work I had done at my last appt, all is good I guess. Kind of a relief, I remember having that test done with Bailey it came back abnormal and we had to have further tests done, that was scary! So this is a relief, I just pray this kid is healthy, and not as wild as the boys are LOL
Rodney would kill me if he found out I wrote about him, but he went in last Friday to have the big "V" done! He was very brave and made it out alive and is doing good! Now to go back in 3 months to make sure it worked....................fingers crossed!
So until next week... the big ultrasound day..... TUESDAY April 22nd!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Monday, April 14, 2008
Wackyhair/hat day at daycre
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Week 18
Nothing has really changed since last week. But I would like to stop eating so much, I mean seriously, I eat about as much as I did in a week in a day! Oh well I guess, I will have to work extra hard after this bean is born to get the weight off!
So taking my prenatals at night is helping alittle bit. I still feel "icky" some of the time. But I have come to the conclusion that I am just going to be miserable until this kid is born! Oh well what is a girl to do, suck it up and live with it! Headaches are occasional as well, I think it is just my job, which is very stressful right now! Or maybe it is this weather, I sure wish spring would arrive, then I wouldnt feel so bad eating so much, I could at least go outside and walk and not freeze to death!! I just dont get into cold weather, I need the sun and the heat!! Maybe that is one of the reasons why I am so crabby all of the time........
So taking my prenatals at night is helping alittle bit. I still feel "icky" some of the time. But I have come to the conclusion that I am just going to be miserable until this kid is born! Oh well what is a girl to do, suck it up and live with it! Headaches are occasional as well, I think it is just my job, which is very stressful right now! Or maybe it is this weather, I sure wish spring would arrive, then I wouldnt feel so bad eating so much, I could at least go outside and walk and not freeze to death!! I just dont get into cold weather, I need the sun and the heat!! Maybe that is one of the reasons why I am so crabby all of the time........
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Pictures from the weekend
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Week 17
The boys and I got to feel the bean move lastnight!! It wasn't just subtle movement either, this kid was going nuts, they both thought it was pretty cool! Bailey says he remembers the time Brady was in my belly and he could feel his foot pressed on the side of my stomach!
Anyways I had my doctors appointment on Tuesday. All went well, gaining weight like a champ, and the beans heartbeat was at 154 bpm. I don't know how accurate measurements are but I measured 17 1/2 weeks- which on Tuesday I was almost 17 weeks, so alittle ahead of schedule, which is ok with me!! I would love a Labor Day baby and it would seem appropriate since Bailey was a Thanksgiving baby and Brady was a Memorial weekend baby, why break the tradition now! LOL Still feeling sick and the headaches are almost daily now. My doctor said the headaches could be from not getting enough calories, but I assured her that is so not the case!! And as far as the sickness, I hope the end of that is in sight soon! I am doing a little experiment today, usually I take my prenatal vitamin in the morning, but decided to not take it today and see how I feel. So far so good, knock on wood, if it works and makes me feel better I will take it before I go to bed at night. I don't know if that is it, but it is worth a shot I guess!
I also scheduled an appointment for an ultrasound on the 22nd of April. So do we or don't we? Rodney said that it is totally up to me, and of course I am leaning more towards on not finding out, I guess I am kind of old fashion that way!
Until next time..... pray for the sickness and the headaches to end!!! And some warmer weather to start!
Anyways I had my doctors appointment on Tuesday. All went well, gaining weight like a champ, and the beans heartbeat was at 154 bpm. I don't know how accurate measurements are but I measured 17 1/2 weeks- which on Tuesday I was almost 17 weeks, so alittle ahead of schedule, which is ok with me!! I would love a Labor Day baby and it would seem appropriate since Bailey was a Thanksgiving baby and Brady was a Memorial weekend baby, why break the tradition now! LOL Still feeling sick and the headaches are almost daily now. My doctor said the headaches could be from not getting enough calories, but I assured her that is so not the case!! And as far as the sickness, I hope the end of that is in sight soon! I am doing a little experiment today, usually I take my prenatal vitamin in the morning, but decided to not take it today and see how I feel. So far so good, knock on wood, if it works and makes me feel better I will take it before I go to bed at night. I don't know if that is it, but it is worth a shot I guess!
I also scheduled an appointment for an ultrasound on the 22nd of April. So do we or don't we? Rodney said that it is totally up to me, and of course I am leaning more towards on not finding out, I guess I am kind of old fashion that way!
Until next time..... pray for the sickness and the headaches to end!!! And some warmer weather to start!
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