I forgot to post that Rodney got hurt last Tuesday- I am so sympathetic aren't I? LOL
So anyways, he was at work, obviously fantasizing about me, lost his grip and balance and fell from the top of his dump truck! Yikes!! Anyways he is very lucky that he didn't break anything, I would of broken the other leg if that would of happneded! LOL I am kidding, I am really not that heartless!
So after a series of tests they found that he has torn muscles on both sides of his knee and a really badly bruised bone. Pheeeewwwwww, so no surgery as of now. He is too keep being a couch potatoe like he has been since last Tuesday which was the 3rd, keep it elevated and ice it every 3 hours. Today he started physcial therapy and will continue to do so. Depending on his progression, he can go back to work on the 23rd of June. Actually I must confess that I kind of like him home with Bailey, we don't have to pay a sitter and the house stays cleaner and Rodney does stuff with Bailey, I know Bailey will miss him when he goes back to work, they are really sharing some quality father/son time! Speaking of Bailey I have to brag on him alittle, the kid has been AMAZING taking care of Rodney, way better than I would be, I would be the nurse from hell!! And to top it off, Bailey doesn't complain at all that he has to "babysit" Rodney during the day and pretty much be his maid. I think Bailey is working towards a dirtbike or something, lord knows he has motive, but you have to love the kid! LOL
That is about all, for my sanity, ok and his too- LOL pray that he gets better and doesn't need surgery!