Not much to report as I waddled my way in and out of the clinic! LOL
Heartbeat is at 132 bpm, I am dialated to .5 cm. She said she could feel his head more, which again weirds me out, I am sure he was thinking the same thing, poor kid! We are just pretty much on the waiting game, could be anytime, or could be 3 weeks from now, who knows!! He will make his debut when he is ready, but I am pretty sure he isn't ready to come out yet, it is way too loud at our house and think his brothers scare him with all the comotion they create!
That is all I guess, I go back next Friday because she is out of town and I can only get in on Friday, which works for me.
So until next week....
Friday, August 29, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Week 38
Week 38.... for real? That just doesn't seem possible, this whole process has just flown by! I am not crabby today, so you might just get a happy/upbeat post from me, lucky you! LOL
So the plan was this past weekend was to re-arrange our bedroom and put the crib up, I give Rodney credit, he tried several times, but for some reason I couldn't do it and told him no! Does that sound dumb? There is still a part of me that doesn't believe that this is real yet, now that sounds really dumb doesn't it?! I mean I have the big ole belly and the aches and pains to prove it, but at times it just doesn't feel that this is happening! I do think that we better get the crib up this weekend though, or maybe I will disapear for a few hours and Rodney can do it! LOL
The other project he wanted to do was to ge the stroller and the carseat up and running and put together, I did say no to that as well, but Rodney and Brady got it all together while Bailey and I were at the store! Stinkers! I was glad that they did, it was kind of fun to play with afterwards and I really like the colors and pattern! I picked out a good one and it paid off to be picky I guess!

So the plan was this past weekend was to re-arrange our bedroom and put the crib up, I give Rodney credit, he tried several times, but for some reason I couldn't do it and told him no! Does that sound dumb? There is still a part of me that doesn't believe that this is real yet, now that sounds really dumb doesn't it?! I mean I have the big ole belly and the aches and pains to prove it, but at times it just doesn't feel that this is happening! I do think that we better get the crib up this weekend though, or maybe I will disapear for a few hours and Rodney can do it! LOL
The other project he wanted to do was to ge the stroller and the carseat up and running and put together, I did say no to that as well, but Rodney and Brady got it all together while Bailey and I were at the store! Stinkers! I was glad that they did, it was kind of fun to play with afterwards and I really like the colors and pattern! I picked out a good one and it paid off to be picky I guess!
So now what.....we wait for the little guy to arrive! Yikes and gulp all in one! I will update after my doctors appt. tomorrow, otherwise I don't have much to say! Just that the swelling has gone from my ankles to my face!!!! Isssshhhhhhh!
Monday, August 25, 2008
U/S from Friday
And he is head down!!! LOL The tech was alittle confused on why I was there, but I just told her my doctor was alittle "goofy" and did stuff like this! It was ok we got to see him one last time before he makes his grand entrance!
The U/S was kind of cool, I didn't get to see too much of his face, I got one glance at his sweet, little face, but then he was being shy. The U/S tech showed me he has hair, short little stubbles, wonder if it will be dark like Bailey's was or blonde/white like Brady's.... She also pointed out his wrinkle in his forhead from being scrunched inside and his 3 little fat rolls on his side, reminded me of one of those little wrinkle puppies. She also pointed out his "testicles" again, so for those that are still hoping for a girl I think the odds are pretty slim!! Friday's U/S confirmed for the 3rd time this kid has a "winskie" (as my dad would say)! I hope everything was ok from the U/S, I guess I will find out at my appt. on Thursday when I see my doctor.
The U/S was kind of cool, I didn't get to see too much of his face, I got one glance at his sweet, little face, but then he was being shy. The U/S tech showed me he has hair, short little stubbles, wonder if it will be dark like Bailey's was or blonde/white like Brady's.... She also pointed out his wrinkle in his forhead from being scrunched inside and his 3 little fat rolls on his side, reminded me of one of those little wrinkle puppies. She also pointed out his "testicles" again, so for those that are still hoping for a girl I think the odds are pretty slim!! Friday's U/S confirmed for the 3rd time this kid has a "winskie" (as my dad would say)! I hope everything was ok from the U/S, I guess I will find out at my appt. on Thursday when I see my doctor.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Week 37
This is going to be a crabby, whiney post.... wow I thought I was crabby yesterday, today tops it off, Rodney should be thankful he is working out of town! Not sure if I can even handle myself today!
I am officially tired of being pregnant and even though we are not ready, I would welcome his arrival anytime now! My ankles are swelling every day now, and it used to be just at the end of the day, well here were are at 10 am and my left one is as big as a house, and it hurts! My back is friggen killing me from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed, my belly is so stretched it isn't even funny, it just aches, itches and is so sore! I am also really tired of going to the doctor!
With that being said, I had my checkup lastnight and had to take the boys with me so she didn't check me, which is fine with me! Everything is good, I am up 36 lbs, heartbeat is about 150, it started at 140 and went up to 160 which she said was good, sounded kind of weird to me! She said because he was sideways at my last ultrasound (21 weeks) that she wants to do another u/s to make sure he is headdown. Even though she told me last week he was head down, but high up. Seriously can he move in a week, I mean he can't possibly have any more room in there to move around that much can he? So I go have another u/s on Friday to see if he is head down (which I am pretty sure he is, I can feel his feet pushing underneath my boobs! I made my next appt. for a few more days out just because I am tired of seeing my doctor (she is not my usual doctor and I really don't care for her) - hey at least I am honest right!? It will be fun though to see him at this stage, I have never had an u/s this late in the game, so I guess that is a benefit, plus I can leave work early for this appointment!
I will close now before I whine anymore, hey I figure I can, I didn't whine nor complain with either of the boys, so it is about time I do, and it feels good! Later ~
I am officially tired of being pregnant and even though we are not ready, I would welcome his arrival anytime now! My ankles are swelling every day now, and it used to be just at the end of the day, well here were are at 10 am and my left one is as big as a house, and it hurts! My back is friggen killing me from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed, my belly is so stretched it isn't even funny, it just aches, itches and is so sore! I am also really tired of going to the doctor!
With that being said, I had my checkup lastnight and had to take the boys with me so she didn't check me, which is fine with me! Everything is good, I am up 36 lbs, heartbeat is about 150, it started at 140 and went up to 160 which she said was good, sounded kind of weird to me! She said because he was sideways at my last ultrasound (21 weeks) that she wants to do another u/s to make sure he is headdown. Even though she told me last week he was head down, but high up. Seriously can he move in a week, I mean he can't possibly have any more room in there to move around that much can he? So I go have another u/s on Friday to see if he is head down (which I am pretty sure he is, I can feel his feet pushing underneath my boobs! I made my next appt. for a few more days out just because I am tired of seeing my doctor (she is not my usual doctor and I really don't care for her) - hey at least I am honest right!? It will be fun though to see him at this stage, I have never had an u/s this late in the game, so I guess that is a benefit, plus I can leave work early for this appointment!
I will close now before I whine anymore, hey I figure I can, I didn't whine nor complain with either of the boys, so it is about time I do, and it feels good! Later ~
Monday, August 18, 2008
So we finally bought a travel system, or I should say I finally decided on a travel system. Rodney could really care less just as long as it wasn't as ugly as what the 2 boys had... I have to admit it was pretty ugly, but it worked! LOL So after checking what seems like everywhere, my mom found this Graco glider travel system at Kmart and even on sale! So Brady and I ventured to Dundas and decided to just buy it, time is ticking and I am tired of stressing over it and it is a decent color! So this is what we got.... now let's see how long it takes us to get it out of the box that is sitting in the garage! LOL

Group Strep B Positive
I have never been positive for anything, besides the 3 out of the 20 pregnancy tests I have taken! LOL
So the nurse calls me and says that I am postivie for this, kind of gives you a knot in your stomache, I had no clue what it even was I just let her take the test! She said that it is nothing serious , just that when I go into labor they will treat me with an antibotic so it doesn't pass to the baby! Fine whatever, but there is always the "what if"............ guess we can't live life wondering "what if", it is really enough to make a person crazy!! Hopefully the doctor on Tuesday can re-insure me that all is good and we have nothing to worry about!
So the nurse calls me and says that I am postivie for this, kind of gives you a knot in your stomache, I had no clue what it even was I just let her take the test! She said that it is nothing serious , just that when I go into labor they will treat me with an antibotic so it doesn't pass to the baby! Fine whatever, but there is always the "what if"............ guess we can't live life wondering "what if", it is really enough to make a person crazy!! Hopefully the doctor on Tuesday can re-insure me that all is good and we have nothing to worry about!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Last day of daycare
So after 8 1/2 years of being at Wee Care Daycare, we decided that it was time to move on! Brady's last day was on Friday, August 8th and he is going to be spending some time at home with his brother and the babysitter until he starts school on the 2nd. I think the 1st day he was home he slept into until 9:30 and when I can home for lunch, he told me "mom I like to stay home, I don't have to go to daycare anymore!" LOL Little does he know that he does at the school when he is not in preschool, but we don't call it daycare, we call it school!
I honestly thought Brady's last day would of been sad for me as well, I have been dropping off and picking a child up for the past 8 1/2 years, but honestly I was not. I am glad to be done and have some change in our daily routine! I will miss the original teachers that are still there from when we started, but that is about it, I will not miss the weekly bill that is forsure!! Here are some pictures from Brady's last day. His friends and teachers also made him a wonderful keepsake album of pictures throughout the years of Brady and his friends..... ok that did make me cry!!
Preschool I Room and all his friends

His friend, can't remember his name though

Delaney, Brady and Mackenzie

Teacher Sue

Teacher Kelley

Brady's 1st love at daycare- Mandy
I honestly thought Brady's last day would of been sad for me as well, I have been dropping off and picking a child up for the past 8 1/2 years, but honestly I was not. I am glad to be done and have some change in our daily routine! I will miss the original teachers that are still there from when we started, but that is about it, I will not miss the weekly bill that is forsure!! Here are some pictures from Brady's last day. His friends and teachers also made him a wonderful keepsake album of pictures throughout the years of Brady and his friends..... ok that did make me cry!!
Preschool I Room and all his friends
His friend, can't remember his name though
Delaney, Brady and Mackenzie
Teacher Sue
Teacher Kelley
Brady's 1st love at daycare- Mandy
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Week 36
I am just exhausted today, I can barely keep my eyes open and I have the worst headache, comes with the territory of being a temporary single mom and being very pregnant I suppose, so pretty much deal with it and go to bed early!! LOL
I had my doctors appointment lastnight, it was your typical appointment I suppose. She did the Group B Strep test, so hope all is well with that. She said that I am still closed and the babies head is still high, kind of freaks me out she said she could feel his head...... poor kid!! Keep in mind my other doctors never checked me prior to delievery so that is why it is so weird to have her checking me all the time! His heartbeat is at 146 bpm and his mommy is still gaining weight like a champ! LOL I go back next Tuesday and every week after that until his arrival.
Bean is still nameless and still doesn't have a carseat/stroller, hey but he does have clean clothes and a dresser!! I am getting frustrated on the travel system thing! I am not trying to be picky I am really not, I just want a basic one for crying out loud! I found a Graco travel system that I really like online at Target, but refuse to pay $31 in shipping. My mom also found a Graco one at Kmart that I may go look at, it doesn't look too bad online, I think at this point I just need to friggen' buy one!
Before Rodney left we did manange to dig out the crib from storage. I just need to re-arrange our room, dust the crib and get it all set up, that doesn't sound too hard does it, maybe if I had the time it will happen! I did dig out the small diaper bag too, one of the very few things that I kept from when Brady was little! That alone was a big accomplishment! LOL Aaakkk we still have time yet, I am not in panic mode yet!
Until next time....
I had my doctors appointment lastnight, it was your typical appointment I suppose. She did the Group B Strep test, so hope all is well with that. She said that I am still closed and the babies head is still high, kind of freaks me out she said she could feel his head...... poor kid!! Keep in mind my other doctors never checked me prior to delievery so that is why it is so weird to have her checking me all the time! His heartbeat is at 146 bpm and his mommy is still gaining weight like a champ! LOL I go back next Tuesday and every week after that until his arrival.
Bean is still nameless and still doesn't have a carseat/stroller, hey but he does have clean clothes and a dresser!! I am getting frustrated on the travel system thing! I am not trying to be picky I am really not, I just want a basic one for crying out loud! I found a Graco travel system that I really like online at Target, but refuse to pay $31 in shipping. My mom also found a Graco one at Kmart that I may go look at, it doesn't look too bad online, I think at this point I just need to friggen' buy one!
Before Rodney left we did manange to dig out the crib from storage. I just need to re-arrange our room, dust the crib and get it all set up, that doesn't sound too hard does it, maybe if I had the time it will happen! I did dig out the small diaper bag too, one of the very few things that I kept from when Brady was little! That alone was a big accomplishment! LOL Aaakkk we still have time yet, I am not in panic mode yet!
Until next time....
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Single mom again this week...
and next week!! Rodney was gone all last week in Sturgis, and this week and the next he is working in Duluth for his job. He left early Monday morning and will get home Friday night, golf all weekend in the club championship and then head back up to Duluth for the week. I only wanted 1 week's vacation from him, but instead I got 3!! Serves me right I guess! LOL
I do have to say though that the boys are being so good and helping me when I ask them! Sure they may roll their eyes alittle, but they help me! Even though Brady is 4 he is the king at rolling his eyes, I think he gets it from me! LOL Knock on wood I just hope they continue being good the next week and 4 days while Rodney is gone!
I guess I should just be greatful that Rodney has a job and can bring home the bacon even if he has to be out of town for a few weeks!
I do have to say though that the boys are being so good and helping me when I ask them! Sure they may roll their eyes alittle, but they help me! Even though Brady is 4 he is the king at rolling his eyes, I think he gets it from me! LOL Knock on wood I just hope they continue being good the next week and 4 days while Rodney is gone!
I guess I should just be greatful that Rodney has a job and can bring home the bacon even if he has to be out of town for a few weeks!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Fashion Show
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Week 35
My back hurts and my belly is rather large, is it September yet? I know that I shouldn't wish these next few weeks away that I should enjoy them while bean is in the oven, but when I am uncomfortable it is hard not to wish it was September!!! Even though this pregnancy is flying by I just want to bend over easy, not have swollen ankles by the end of the day even though I am not on my feet... you get the point! LOL
Actually besides whining like I just did, I don't have much else to say or anymore whining to do!! I am surprised how I have been keeping up to the boys though seeing how Rodney has been gone- he owes me bigtime!!! Lastnight was the only night so far that I felt like ass so to say and they both entertained themselves and let me sit and rest for the most part - they can be good kids when they want to be! And we have been busy and on the go since Rodney left!
So on a good note, I booked my first GNO (girls night out) trip after the baby is born!! LOL I got tickets to Martina McBride at Treasure Island on the 18th of October and decided to just get a hotel room too and make a night of it, we got 3rd row too! Bean will only be a month old, but I think Rodney can handle all 3 of them, and no he isn't allowed to call one of the "grandmas" for help! LOL I am so mean I know, but he has to love me! I am looking forward to that night!
So until next time, later!
Actually besides whining like I just did, I don't have much else to say or anymore whining to do!! I am surprised how I have been keeping up to the boys though seeing how Rodney has been gone- he owes me bigtime!!! Lastnight was the only night so far that I felt like ass so to say and they both entertained themselves and let me sit and rest for the most part - they can be good kids when they want to be! And we have been busy and on the go since Rodney left!
So on a good note, I booked my first GNO (girls night out) trip after the baby is born!! LOL I got tickets to Martina McBride at Treasure Island on the 18th of October and decided to just get a hotel room too and make a night of it, we got 3rd row too! Bean will only be a month old, but I think Rodney can handle all 3 of them, and no he isn't allowed to call one of the "grandmas" for help! LOL I am so mean I know, but he has to love me! I am looking forward to that night!
So until next time, later!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Reality hit me hard yesterday!
So it has taken awhile, but finally the reality of baby bean has set in, like really set in! I took a mental health day yesterday, which was much needed, but I was so busy!! Any way I decided to try to do some things for this baby. Bailey and I went to the cities to pick up Brady's new dresser so the baby could have his old one. We also did some school shopping, Bailey had fun picking out his clothes, a boy that loves to shop, gatta love it! Both boys got some cute things for a reasonable price, so they are both pretty well ready for school, can't wait! I also purchased some bottles and pacifiers for this baby, that was a big step for me!
So anyways, while the baby clothes were washing and drying I unloaded Brady's dresser and moved that dresser into our walk in closet (I can't believe I have to share my closet with 2 boys) and Bailey and I unloaded Brady's new dresser and got his room situated. So while folding and hanging these baby clothes and organizing them into sizes, it really hit me, oh and the smell of the dreft laundry soap, I can still smell it!! This baby is coming in 5 weeks or so and there is nothing I can do about it! You all may think I am nuts, which I am, but besides that, it all just kind of felt like it wasn't happening, but soon we will be a family of 5, family of 5...... honestly I never thought I would get married, let alone have children... and 3 of them for that matter, 3 boys to top it off.......
WOW, I do have to take a step back and say that Rodney and I are so very blessed to have each other (ok I miss him alittle) and to have our beautiful boys and that we have the opportunity to expand our family with this baby! Family of 5.......... sounds good, the Braatz family of 5, I better practice saying that!!!
So that is my reality check and eye opener!!
So anyways, while the baby clothes were washing and drying I unloaded Brady's dresser and moved that dresser into our walk in closet (I can't believe I have to share my closet with 2 boys) and Bailey and I unloaded Brady's new dresser and got his room situated. So while folding and hanging these baby clothes and organizing them into sizes, it really hit me, oh and the smell of the dreft laundry soap, I can still smell it!! This baby is coming in 5 weeks or so and there is nothing I can do about it! You all may think I am nuts, which I am, but besides that, it all just kind of felt like it wasn't happening, but soon we will be a family of 5, family of 5...... honestly I never thought I would get married, let alone have children... and 3 of them for that matter, 3 boys to top it off.......
WOW, I do have to take a step back and say that Rodney and I are so very blessed to have each other (ok I miss him alittle) and to have our beautiful boys and that we have the opportunity to expand our family with this baby! Family of 5.......... sounds good, the Braatz family of 5, I better practice saying that!!!
So that is my reality check and eye opener!!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Sturgis Bound
And he's off!! This was taken this morning after he was all packed up and ready to pick up my brother, they were Sturgis bound shortly after that! Pray for their safe trip there and return home..... I am a mother so I CAN worry! LOL
I am sure he is thinking the same thing, but it will be a nice little break from him while he is gone and the boys and I usually have a jammed packed schedule with silly and fun things to do while he is away!
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Blog Archive
- Doctors Appointment
- Week 38
- U/S from Friday
- Week 37
- So we finally bought a travel system, or I should ...
- Group Strep B Positive
- Last day of daycare
- Week 36
- Single mom again this week...
- Cannon Crusin' Days
- Fun at the park and the lake
- Fun in the pool
- Uncle Brad and Bailey helping grandpa bail hay.
- Fashion Show
- Week 35
- Reality hit me hard yesterday!
- Sturgis Bound