Owen is still Owen, precious, sweet and perfect, maybe it is just because he is my baby, but he is just so happy all of the time and he LOVES him mamma very much, we are good buddies and we love our time together!
Brady has been the sickest in our house, seems like he has something every week, again very fortunate Rodney is home so Brady can stay home with him and try to get better! Brady did go out for wrestling, but decided it just wasnt for him at the moment, he says he will maybe try again next year. I am totally ok with that, it is hard to watch your child get beat on, probably even harder on his grandma! LOL Brady is loving school and his friends, he is learning to write his name and doing very well at it.
Bailey has developed a new additude, he thinks because Brady gets to stay home that he should beable to stay home too and does everything in his power to "fake" sick, very frustrating! Bailey is loving wrestling and has been to 1 team tournament in which he won 2 matches and lost 1. Rodney did take him to one singles tournament where he placed 4th place winning 1 match, loosing 2, Rodney said he did a great job and is really improving. I am looking foward to watching him during a home game.
Rodney is really improving after his surgery and like I said I am so thankful he is home to help me out while I work and to help me get all the boys ready in the morning, it gets alittle crazy trying to get all 3 ready and out the door in the morning. He will go see the doctor next Wednesday and I hope they tell him to stay off for another month, but that is not my call, I am just being selfish because I like having him at home! Although he would tell you a different story, he is kind of tired of being "daddy daycare" and would like to go back to work! MEN!!
I am doing great, I love being a mom to 3 and am so in love with the boys! I honestly can say that I have never felt this happy in my life even during the tough times! I have just been working and finally got back into kickboxing after the long holiday break, it feels good to be sore and sweat!
So that is us in a nutshell, I have attached some pictures of my adorable family, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Brady helping mom out
Hey I get to be in a picture!
The boys