Again so very hard to believe my little guy is 9 months old today, of course we had to sing happy birthday to him this morning, only Rodney got to share in it since he was home today because of the rain! Anyway, little Owen is growing so fast, he is a monster as far as heavy, this kid is solid as a rock and I really get a workout with him carrying him around which I do often, it is just habbit for me! We go on Wednesday morning for his 9 month, very curious to see how much my little porker weighs and how tall he is, he might be the biggest Braatz boy yet!
Still not crawling but so wants too and looks like he is going to! He does get around though, by rolling or scooting fowards or backwards. He also gets up on his tippy toes and hands and rocks back and forth, he is funny to watch, if he wants it, he will find a way to get it! Owen babbles alot, I just love listening to him especially in the morning, he just really puts a smile on my face no matter how tired I am! He also started to pull himself up to his knees, so I am assuming it wont be long and he will be pulling himself completely up, oh boy!!!
We are also working on Owens room, up until now Owen bunks with us in our room, but since we moved Bailey downstairs Owen will get his old room. It is a slow process, but it is coming along, we have alittle more painting to do then we can move him in, I am hoping by next weekend or the weekend after that. I do have to admit that I will miss having him so close to us!
Owen is also a very big fan of Bailey's baseball team, he loves to go and hang out and watch everyone, we havent missed a game yet, but seeing how the weather is so cold, we may have to miss tonights game and the games that are scheduled on the same days as Brady's T-ball we will have to miss. He is such a trooper though, we watch for a bit, get jammies on and have his last bottle, then he usually falls asleep in the truck on the way home and is out for the night!! He is such a routine baby it isnt funny, he lets you know when it is time to get going on the bedtime routine, which I like because I am very routine as well!
With his 2 favorite people ever!

At Bailey's track and field day

Owen loves balloons

So tired