So as far as I know they all had a blast and I stayed with them the entire time just in case they know about the game spin the bottle or any of those other games Rodney played when he was that age!! LOL I asked Bailey if I cramped his style by hanging out with them and he said no!
The kids played a Wii bowling tournament and the boys beat the girls by a few points, played guitar hero. We had pizza, they attempted to watch a movie, but the boys were too busy chatting, snickering and laughing it didnt last long- poor girls wanted to watch it!! Then came the pillow fight until one of my pillows busted open, then that was over. We then had cake and after that they turned up the music and danced around like crazy drunk people!! The girls went home around 8 and the boys spent the night, and the boys stayed up until Rodney finally sent them bed at 2:30, hopefully they werent too crabby for their parents the next day!! I do have to say though that they boys were so much louder than the girls were, they must of all been hyped up on sugar because they were so loud and of course all showing off when the girls were there!
Playing Wii bowling
Eating pizza, these kids can eat!