Yes my baby is 18 months old today, thanks for the reminder Janet!! LOL Hard to believe he is offically 1 1/2 years old, where does the time go! Owen is so full of life he just makes everyone smile and laugh, he is just a joy to be around and such a good boy! Hoping he can teach his brothers a few things!
Owens vacabulary has really taken off, of course he still talks "foreign" sometimes but for the most part he is a chatter box and tries to say everything he ask him too! I tell him to say "Owen", instead he says baby of course because I call him baby Owen all the time! Like many boys, Owen is such an outside kid, loves to be outside and gets mad when it is time to go in. I just taught him to ride the gator the other day, he has the pedal down, needs to work on the steering, but think we will have it down pat come spring/summer! He loves it and the JD lawn mower- that makes grandpa proud! He is just a busy little guy all of the time, keeps all of us on our toes!
Owen loves his "beer"

Happy Owen on one our many outtings

Bailey and Brady on Waky hair and clothes day for Dr. Suess week, Bailey had like 10 shirts on

This was just lastnight, even though he wrestles with Elmo he takes the time out to rock and cuddle with him.

Other than Owen we have been busy with wrestling, baseball clinics and every day struggles and adventures.
We are taking Brady to Rochester this weekend for the state tournament, he wrestles on Friday afternoon! Fingers crossed he does well, he could care less but regardless it will be a good experience for him! We will go down Friday and come home Friday night, then go back on Saturday and watch the other rats wrestle and then check into our hotel room and let the kids swim while us parents "hang" out! Owen will be at grandmas, which I am having a really hard time with because he will be there all weekend! Get over it right.......I have a bit of anxiety about that, but I know he will have a blast and grandma will need a nap come Sunday morning when we get home!!
This is the last week of wrestling, which I am thankful to get a break, but I know that baseball practices and games aren't far behind!
We had confrences for both boys last Thursday and they are both doing EXCELLENT!! Brady has come such a long ways since the start of the school year, we have both worked very hard to get him where he is now! WTG Brady!! Bailey is doing well too, most of his grades are up, we will work on getting 1 grade up, right Bailey!?? His teacher had nothing but nice things to say about him and how polite and respectful he is, which makes me happy!
Nothing else really, our lives revolve around 3 very active busy boys! I think yesterday we left the driveway 6 different times and the motors on our vehicles never got a chance to cool down! And I am not complaining at all I enjoy being busy with the boys, I fear when they are all grown and out of the house (or not) and we are not as busy!
That is all I have for now! Of course I will update after this weekend to let you know how Brady did!!
GOOD LUCK BRADY and all the Mat Rats this weekend!