Our lives are hectic with 3 boys non stop, but I wouldn't want it any other way. I love getting up early to prepare a meal for dinner later that day so they can have a hot meal before we rush off to sports for the night, I like doing laundry in the middle of the night knowing that my boys have clean clothes to wear.... crazy you say, I feel otherwise, gives me a sense of peace knowing that I am taking care of my family and having so much fun doing it!! Sure people stare at me while shopping at Walmart with the cart stacked sky high and 3 boys by my side leading me in 3 different directions, but honestly a grocery trip would be boring if I didnt have them with me! My 3... ok 4 boys complete me and I am pretty sure I am one of the happiest and the :LUCKIEST people on this earth!
So onto other things.... my dear Owen, how fast you are growing!! Your words just keep pouring out.... your daddy taught you to say "luv you", melts my heart every time you say it! You are the biggest snuggler ever and so not an inside kid at all, which we love because we love to be outside with you watching you explore so many different things!! I smile every time I think of you Owen! My little Owen has also decided to use the potty... not the little potty but the big potty!! I set him on there, he holds himself up and he goes, fluses and washes his hands. Too good to be true I am sure, but it is cute when he says "I go potty"!! Your growing up way to fast baby O, makes me smile, yet breaks my heart! You are a very busy, active little boy, never a dull moment again I wouldn't have it anyother way! Thanks for being you Owen!
Bailey and Brady are doing good as well, having a blast with the babysitter and enjoying summer vacation. A majority of there days are spent in the pool or at the beach and just having fun with Jessica and believe it or not each other! Bailey has been very active in baseball, I have yet to get a picture though, he sometimes gets to play with the 5th graders which is a very big honor for him. Brady is busy with tball and working on his reading, he is doing a fabulous job too! You boys have been great this summer, I know we have a long ways to go, but thank you for being you!!!! They also took swim lessons again this year, Brady has come a long way since he first started lessons. Bailey is an excellent swimmer and I told him if he passed this year he could be done, he passed and doesn't want to be done!! He completed all of the journeys and completed 1 of the 3 challenges, so he has 2 left to complete and wants to go again next year!! That is my boy!
My darling Rodney has been working on his derby car, yes that is right his derby car! He may be 41 but still likes his derbies and is still a big kid at heart!!! He will run on the 3rd of July, the boys are excited to watch him again this year and they love helping him get it ready!! For awhile Rodneys job was a little touch and go, he was laid off for a few weeks and a few weeks he wasnt getting many hours, so that was a struggle finacially, but we are managing and tweeked a few things in our lives! Things have picked up these past 2 weeks, so we will just see how it goes from there, that is about all we can do!!
That is the Braatz family in a nutshell, fun huh?? Never a dull moment with us and I love it!
Of course here are a few pictures from the Braatz camera!
These are from my brothers 40th surprise party