Monday, August 18, 2008

Group Strep B Positive

I have never been positive for anything, besides the 3 out of the 20 pregnancy tests I have taken! LOL

So the nurse calls me and says that I am postivie for this, kind of gives you a knot in your stomache, I had no clue what it even was I just let her take the test! She said that it is nothing serious , just that when I go into labor they will treat me with an antibotic so it doesn't pass to the baby! Fine whatever, but there is always the "what if"............ guess we can't live life wondering "what if", it is really enough to make a person crazy!! Hopefully the doctor on Tuesday can re-insure me that all is good and we have nothing to worry about!

1 comment:

Shelly Pagel said...

I'm not really sure what it all is either-- I wouldn't worry though. I seem to remember them saying it wasn't that big of a deal if it was positive-- just an antibiotic you need to be on. Just think soon--- very soon! : )