Here are a few pictures of the boys working hard! LOL
I think I would be ok with him arriving early, I am ready emotionally I think. I know my shirts are ready, they are all getting to small so part of my belly sticks out! Which is fine for the weekends, but I don't think my coworkers really care to see the real deal and exposure of my big ole budda!! LOL
Rodney thinks he is coming this weekend, which is ok, just not on Saturday - Bailey has his first football game, so Sunday would be good. I would prefer during the week though, the hospital has much better TV during the week and I am looking foward to relaxing in that nice hospital bed and watching all the good TV that is on while I am at work!! LOL I for one have September 12th picked out as his birthday, just an instinct of when I think he will arrive.
Other than that, I guess I have been feeling ok, lots of aches and pains at night though when I finally get to relax. Lastnight I think he wanted out and was trying to poke his butt through my right side, his butt was sticking out so far it was unreal!! Rodney thought it was the coolest thing, but was in pain for me! It was very uncomfortable and I had to poke it for him to re-adjust and stop pushing his butt out! Stinker!
Well I guess the countdown begins.... 7 days until "D" day, so we shall wait and see when he decides to arrive. I will update Friday after my doctors appointment, until then- later!
I know you are getting so excited! I remember the countdown. I was excited, scared, nervous, sad all of it. Mine was cut short and I was still a little sad but I think you are ready for the little bean to come out! Try to take it easy this weekend, although the weekend before JB was born I cleaned all of the carpets in our house.
I think are always nest, so I can't ask if you are nesting yet.. but it sorta sounds like it. They say that is the sure sign- though I never did. I hope little bean comes out this week for you I'll cross my fingers for the 10th! : ) Can't wait to see some pictures up!
I am too tired to nest!! This week has just been exhausting especially at work, I can barely keep my eyes open duirng the day. I guess I nested alittle yesterday although it was outside work, pulling weeds, washing windows and sweeping out the garage, no wonder why I feel asleep at 9!! LOL
After Saturday night he is allowed to come and before the 15th would be nice!! LOL Hey I have listened to him for the past 9 months, it is about time he works with me alittle!
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