Owen is still the most perfect baby and just such a joy to our lives, I am lovin' every second with him! He did finally master rolling over on February 14th, it is so funny to watch my little chubber roll over! He is working on sitting up and does pretty well for the most part. We have just begun trying solids. We started with the veggies, he seems to like the peas, green beans and sweet potatoes, not too fond of squash or applesauce, but we will try those 2 again! He loves Oatmeal and bannanas, we decided to cheat alittle bit, I know they say start with veggies first, but I knew he would love fruit, so I cheated and mixed alittle in with his oatmeal. I forgot how fun it is to try these new foods with him even the messy parts of it and Owen thinking he can feed himself! I am lovin' it all!
We had Owens 6 month check up this morning. He is at 20lbs even which they say is the 90th percent tile, and he is 27" long which is in the 75th. He had to get 2 shots, they were out of the HIB again so he will get that next time or when it comes in, and he also got his last dose of the rotovirus. Doctor said he is just perfect, like I didnt already know that!
Just me playing with the camera and Owen trying to sit up on his own
Trying peas for the first time! LOL
Cute! I also have to remind myself to take pictures of the older ones, you just don't want to miss any of the baby stuff!
he's so cute! They do grow too fast don't they!
6 months wow!! Where does the time go?? He is too cute!!
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