Owen is still the perfect, most laid back baby ever, we don't hardly even know he is there! He is trying so hard to crawl, but I think his belly gets in the way! It won't be long before he is off and causing trouble like his brothers though! He loves bathtime and his new duck tub!! I walk into the bathroom and pull the shower curtain back and he gets so excited and almost jumps out of my arms to get in it!!! Really what do you say about such a perfect baby....... he is just the best little guy ever and can't even begin to say how much he has changed my life!! Anyway, poor Bailey and Brady, I dont have any pictures of them, but I should next week.
Bailey started baseball and is loving every minute of it, they had their first game on Wednesday and he did really well, I was proud how well he hit the ball considering how fast these kids can pitch, I was/am nervous about that!!! They lost, but practice makes perfect I guess, they all did really well, and it is so fun to watch! So we are busy with that most days, if they dont have a game or practice, we are in the yard playing catch or some sort of baseball!! Brady is getting ready to graduate preschool and will start tball in June. He is looking foward to his big graduation day!
Anyway here are some recent pictures I took of Owen one day in the front yard!
OMG- what a cutie pie!! And chubby babies rock-- there is nothing cuter than the little rolley polley legs and arms!! He's awesome!
What a sweetheart...Too cute!!!
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