The days just keep flying by and my baby keeps growing and growing! About 3 weeks ago, Owen hit a few milestones all in one weekend. He cut 2 bottom teeth, started crawling and pulling himself up, all with in a matter of a weekend! Funny story about him crawling, Owen loves his last nighttime bottle so when it was time, Rodney placed it about 6 feet in front of him and he crawled to it like he has been crawling for along time. That was that, he is on the go all of the time now and pulling hiself up to see what is going on, he is busy!! I love watching him crawl, he is just too cute and he knows it!! I actually think he is cutting top teeth too, the past 2 nights he has waken up, Monday he wasn't crabby but lastnight he was at 12 and at 5. It doesnt bother me much, sleep would be nice, but I know it is just a phase! Plus it gives me alittle extra time to cuddle him! Besides the waking at night, Owen is still perfect! He is so good all of the time and so happy, he just goes with the flow and does whatever we happen to be doing! He does love to go shopping and dangle his feet and check everything out around him, he is very nosey and loves people! His brothers just adore him and Owen loves playing with them as well, it is great to watch all 3 of them, I know it wont last, so I have to enjoy it now!
Since it was bathnight, I decided to give Owen his own bowl of mashed potatoes, this is the outcome!! LOL

Asleep in our bed

Just randoms

I love this one

Here mom want some?
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