Well the flu hit our house pretty hard over Thanksgiving. I had it Thursday- Friday, Brady got it Friday morning and Rodney got it Sunday night. Pretty sure Bailey started it seeing how he was sick the Friday before Thanksgiving weekend, so for that we grounded him! LOL Owen is the only one who didnt get the flu bug. It hit me pretty hard, I was down for 2 entire days and even on Saturday didnt have the most energy and didnt eat much. I lost 12lbs being sick, too bad I couldn't keep it off, unfortunately it came back! LOL We are on the mend now thank goodness! We planned to have the Braatz family and some friends over the Friday after Thanksgiving, but had to cancel it due to our illness. I was pretty dissapointed especially seeing how Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday ever! Oh well, we did cook up the ham and turkey and told people enter if you dare! My mom and her boyfriend came as well as Rodneys mom and boyfriend. These are some of the pictures we took.
My little angel and I
This is so funny, every time Brady tries to give me attention or sits on my lap Owen gets so mad, here is O trying to push Brady away! He doesn't do this with Bailey though, only Brady!
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