Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Yes I am alittle behind, seems to be the pattern lately! We are all doing good. Owen just went back to a regular routine/daycare today, our daycare lady had a hysterectamy and was off for 6 weeks, so we had a couple weeks to scramble to find care for him, it all worked out. He seemed pretty happy to be back this morning! Owen had his 15 month check up a few weeks ago, I think he was 31lb and honestly I have no idea how tall he was, but both were obviously in the 100% tile! Yes my kid is big, but he is cute! He makes us laugh all the time, he is alot like his daddy when in comes to his personality, he is so full of life! And honestly as much as he runs around and is so busy all the time, you would think he would be smaller, he is just go, go, go, heck you would think I would be smaller too, but not the case!! LOL

Brady is enjoying his first year of wrestling! Last Sunday CF Mat Rats hosted a team tournament where the kids have to have wrestle offs to make the team, and he had to wrestle 2 different kids and beat them and made the team. Bailey didnt have to wrestle off anyone, so he was automatically on the team. They did really well, Owen and I only stayed for the first round and then came back for the last round. Brady got pinned 3 times and he pinned his last guy in litterally like 2 seconds! WTG Brady! Bailey lost his first 2, then won the 3rd by points and the last match won by forefit. We are very proud of both of them. We are taking them both this weekend to IGH to what will be Bradys first individual tournament, so he is pumped! Brady is doing excellent in school, he has come a long way since the beginning of the year. Rodney taught him how to tie his shoe in 10 minutes and he picked up on it instantly!!

Bailey is also enjoying wrestling, I think he has grown up alot since wrestling last year! Wrestling is a tough sport on kids I think, because it is an individual effort instead of team! He is doing fantastic and it is fun to watch him! As far as school goes he is struggling a bit, but we are working on that everyday and just encouraging him to get thru this year (he has a hard teacher accompanied by alot of homework everynight!) I honestly didnt think I had to put my thinking cap back on so early on, but some of the stuff he brings home is crazy, most nights he has an hours worth sometimes 2 hours of homework! Overall he is doing good and becoming such a joyful young man!

Rodney has been hanging in there, work is tough, but they seem to keep him working which is a blessing so I am thankful for that! As for me, still the same!! Just loving life every single day even though everyday is so very hectic and very crazy, it is fun and I fear of blinking because I dont want to miss anything my boys are doing! My 4 boys are my whole world and I thank god for them everyday and I feel so blessed to be his wife and their mother!

Of course I have pictures, but I think I need to step it up a bit, I dont have very many, espeically of Brady or Bailey. I did take pictures of them at the tournament but they turned out too dark!

Owen and I one morning when we didnt have daycare, we were playing with my camera!

Sweet angel!

This kid LOVES to brush his teeth!!

He also loves to vacuum!!

My monkey, this kid climbs on EVERYTHING, even on the our headboard in our room!

Weekend in WI with Rodneys dad and mom

Owen LOVES grandpa Bill!!

Baby O dancing, he is our little dancer and when he is not climbing or cleaning he is dancing!

1 comment:

Shelly Pagel said...

that kid sure has some good dance moves! He's soooo cute!