Harley was born August 1998 and died May 20th 2010 at 5:05pm. He was a very special friend to Rodney and the boys, he only liked me some of the times, but that was ok I was used to that! Harley loved to drink water from the faucet, play with mice once he caught them, never ate them just wanted to play! Harley loved his treats and would cry until we gave him one. He loved to be outside even though he didnt have front claws and liked to cuddle with Bailey and Rodney. For some reason Harley didnt like me much, even though I was the hand that fed him most of the time, but I didnt mind, he would litterally chase me and try to bite me!
Here are a few pictures that I had on my camera of Harley

This was a very hard decision for us to make, even more so to actually do! Bailey and Brady went with me, Rodney stayed with Owen. We tried to make it real as possible for the boys. Rodney made a wooden casket for Harley and we put a blanket and his favorite toy in there for him along with a bunch of pictures. Once we nailed his coffin shut we all traced our hand on the top and wrote him a message. We then picked out a special spot for him and we all took turns putting dirt in and Bailey had the honor of putting up the cross that was made for him. We then said a prayer for him!
God bless you Harley and I hope whatever pain was causing you to be sick is now gone!! You were one of a kind and we will miss you greatly!
1 comment:
That is sad to hear. I am so sorry for what happened.
Megan Genung
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