We had a great 4th weekend! Considering..... Rodney's stepfather passed away, so that has been hard on all of us! Ernie loved the boys, he always said if he could have kids again, he would wish for all boys and wanted them to be just like our 3! Most of the time we disagreed with him, but all 3 loved him just as much as he loved them!!! So we are trying to help Rodneys mom as much as we can, it has been pretty hard on her!
Anyways we did have a good weekend, again it was spent together and that is so important to me!!! Just a few pictures
All the grandbabies Monday morning, they are the finest looking bunch ever!

A small taste of grandpas fireworks!

Getting the fire going..
The boys at the fair with Rodney and my brothers family

I had pictures of Owen, but must of lost them!!!
Anyway he loved the parade, he waived, clapped, danced the entire time, even enjoyed 2 suckers that he brothers gathered for him!
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