My darling Bailey practicing football before their big game against Grand Meadow!
Oh how I love to watch him play, so much I am hiring a babysitter to watch Owen so I can pace up and down the field with Bailey and actually watch the whole game without chasing after a 2 year old!! LOL Luv u Bailey and remember play hard and do your best!
Other than football being our life at the moment things are good. Brady is also in football, he practices on Tuesdays and is loving it!
Rodney just returned home after working 10 long weeks in Fergus Falls. It all went fine, but glad to have him back home where he belongs, but just found out he may have to go again until January! I have mixed emotions on that, but am thankful he has a job and that I have Bailey, he was my life saver and helped me out alot! Thanks Bailey!
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