Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Brady wrestled in his first tournament blizzard weekend! Rodney was bound and determined to get him there since they hadn't canceled it. He was out very early trying to shovel a path so he could back the truck up, very thankful that the neighbor came up and plowed him a path, pretty sure it would of taken him most of the day to get a path cleared to get out! So they made it and Brady did wonderful! He was pinned by his first guy, then he pinned his 2nd and 3rd match, giving him 2nd place and also already qualifying for state in March! WTG Brady!! The pictures below are from Shakopee.

I also took Brady to a tournament in Zumbrota last weekend. He placed 3rd, which not sure how that works. Brady lost his first match 7-10 and won his second match 9-7 and didnt get to wrestle the last kid, but he placed 3rd and was very excited! He wrestled HARD!
I love watching Brady, then again I don't, kind of turns your stomach when your watching your kid get wrenched on or wrenching on some elses kid. So keep up the good work Brady!

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