Friday, May 16, 2008

Bean doesn't like yelling!!

Just alittle funny about the bean. Rodney and I were discussing a few things with Bailey about trading at school and we told him to go get his backpack and bring it to the table. Well he went to get it and tried to sneak in his room with it, so I yelled at him 3 times to get his butt in the kitchen with his backpack, bean apparentley didn't like mommy yelling at his big bother because he kicked me so hard it made my eyes water!!! I feel movement all the time, but nothing like that, holy cow! I think I read that at this stage they can't hear what is going on outside the womb, but I beg to differ! I do have to say that bean better get used to the louder voices, we have to use them alot on both boys!!! LOL

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