We had our 3rd and hopefully final U/S lastnight, not that I don't like seeing the little guy, but it always scares me when they request additonal U/S's and testing!
We made a night of it, everyone went with me! I actually thought the boys would of loved it more than they did, but they were pretty mellow and really didn't ask any questions. The only question I got was from Bailey and I knew it was coming, "is it still a boy?" LOL She did check and he is still a boy!! LOL They both seemed ok with that even though Brady still calls him a "girl baby". She said everything looked good, he is now 1 lb and measuring right along with the due date. His heart rate was 144 bpm. So I guess we wait for the doctors to review it and call me to ensure that things are good. I love the waiting game!!
Another thing I always wondered, why does a person have to have an U/S with a full bladder? I about died yesterday when we got there, thankfully she was nice and did her thing and let me go and come back to continue! The boys thought it was pretty funny to see me suffer I guess! Stinkers!
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